
Point Blank's Sustainability Policy.

Our Commitment

We strive to make positive social impact and we actively look to partner with like minded clients. Our approach involves fostering sustainability by actively sharing insights with partners and clients on enhancing the eco-friendliness of their technology. We conduct thorough assessments of sustainability credentials, enabling us to make informed decisions that align with our commitment to environmental well-being while considering our providers' sustainability practices. 

Our Hosting partners are at the forefront of efficiency in data centre operations. They are committed to putting our environment first by being sustainable and socially responsible in their day-to-day operations and hosting technology.

Social Impact & Sustainability

Low Carbon footprint   
Using the Website Carbon Calculator we will aim to achieve a minimum C rating or higher for your new website. 

Point Blank has an 88% RE rating, managing energy, water and waste well from the EPA’s Tool for Resource Efficiency. Point Blank include energy performance as an evaluation criteria for any equipment purchases we make. With regards to recycling, we follow the Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy made out by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. 

We are passionate supporters of The Native Woodland Trust, a beacon of hope for Ireland's precious woodlands. The Native Woodland Trust is dedicated to the preservation of Ireland's remaining ancient woodlands.

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